History Of Logo - Rumah Zakat
Rumah Zakat

History Of Logo

Brand Story RZ

Rumah Zakat is an energy for mankind to get and share happiness. The form of energy channeled changes according to its potential to create happiness with the most important benefit.

Collaborative, Progressive, Trusted, Humanitarian is the Brand personality of Rumah Zakat as a social organization.
Collaborative; Rumah Zakat collaborates between units and between NGOs because Rumah Zakat believes that improving the world is a joint effort that involves many parties.

Progressive; Rumah Zakat always improves performance by providing better service and always strives to be at the forefront of service. Always improves quality and always provides more benefits.

Trusted; Rumah Zakat does its best to tie the trust of donors with professionalism and reporting with a high level of accountability.

Humanitarian; Rumah Zakat channel goodness across borders and across religions in a humane way. Channeling happiness to all mankind on the basis of universal kinship.

The overall meaning of the Rumah Zakat logo
Sincerity brings us to a balance to not only perfect horizontal relationships among humans but also vertical relationships with Allah S.W.T. through a sincere intention to become a strong energy to convey and channel happiness to everyone so that they have a better life and carry out according to the orders of Islam. And everything our goodness starts from the right which is depicted through the identity symbol of Rumah Zakat.