Senyum Lestari - Rumah Zakat
Rumah Zakat

Senyum Lestari

Clean water, sanitation, and garbage are global environmental issues faced by every country, including Indonesia. Broadly speaking, Indonesia has reached 84% for people with access to good water sources but the distribution is not uniform, access in rural areas is lower than urban areas including poor people also have low access to clean water, besides that, Unicef ​​also It is estimated that 1,000 children under five die every day from diarrheal diseases related to lack of clean water and sanitation and inadequate hygiene.
Through the Senyum Lestari program which is a program that focuses on environmental problems, Rumah Zakat is committed to improving the quality of the environment and reducing social problems related to the environment, especially water, sanitation and hygiene, Rumah Zakat works in hundreds of target areas (Desa Berdaya) to improve access to need for clean water, sanitation and hygiene facilities with the following programs:

Sharing Living Water

Clean water distribution service program for communities in disaster areas or drought-prone areas
Program Donation:

Retail: Rp. 35,000
Full: 3,500,000.



It is a community empowerment activity based on waste management in the community where the community lives. The purpose of this program is to educate and invite people to actively sort their waste, form a Waste Bank community and educate and invite people to be active in maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of the environment.
In this program, the community will receive program assistance for 12 months, assisted in the formation of waste bank management and activating community participation in depositing household waste to the waste bank location.

Program Donation: IDR 275,000