Empowerment Village

Desa Berdaya or Empowerment Village

Desa Berdaya or Empowerment Village is an empowerment program within the scope of a village area, through an integrated approach, namely the capacity building program (community development), economy, education, health, environment to disaster preparedness, with the target of growing and developing DAYA local institutions to solve their own problems and collaborate with other parties, especially the village government. The village empowerment program is implemented from Zakat, Infaq and Alms funds from Rumah Zakat donors.

The Purpose of Empowered Village

  1. Community Empowerment.
    The indicator of community empowerment as a community is the formation and / or strengthening of social institutions, in the economic sector in the form of BUMMas (Community-Owned Enterprises), in the economic sector it has very varied forms.
  2. Keberdayaan individu.
    Individual indicators of empowerment are increased knowledge, motivation and skills in the implementation of certain sectors (education, health, environment) which have an effect on improving welfare.

Social Institutions are also regulated in the Village Law, which is a forum for village community participation as partners to the village government.



Senyum Juara is an education empowerment program with the aim of improving the quality of education that includes beneficiary categories: students, infrastructure, and qualified students in accordance with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) goals which ensure that all Indonesian children complete free primary and secondary education, equity and quality leading to a relevant and effective learning impact.


Senyum Mandiri is a local potential-based economic empowerment program for underprivileged people to reduce poverty levels

Senyum Sehat is a community health quality improvement program based on individual, communal, non-governmental organizations. The program realization is in the form of Elderly Friendly, Toddler Posyandu, Mass Circumcision, Free Ambulance, Health Alert, Health Assistance, Nutrition Gardens, Free Clinics

Senyum Lestari is a program that focuses on environmental problems, Rumah Zakat is committed to improving the quality of the environment and reducing social problems related to the environment, especially water, sanitation and hygiene.